10 things you need to know about … the pursuit of happiness
In his Art of Happiness class, English and Chinese Professor Jiayan Mi teaches Buddhist thoughts of how to live a good life.

In his Art of Happiness class, English and Chinese Professor Jiayan Mi teaches Buddhist thoughts of how to live a good life. Here he shares some tips that can help lead us all to a more blissful existence.
1. Be compassionate — Loving, helping, and being kind to others spreads joy to them and, in turn, to you.
2. Feed and bloom — A plant’s roots require good nutrients to flower. Similarly, if we supply our mind with positive energy, non-judgmental cognizance, and a mindful lifestyle, we can experience happiness.
3. Breathe with awareness — Breathing in removes negative feelings such as greed, jealousy, and anger. Breathing out sends good wishes, peace, and healing to others.
4. Live in the moment — The past is gone and the future hasn’t come yet. If we get stuck thinking about them, we become unsettled and indecisive. The present is where we are connected to the world and can make decisions that bring good outcomes.
5. Be part of the ecosystem — I ask my class, “Tell me one thing that exists by itself.” The trick question’s answer is “nothing.” Interdependence and reciprocity are fundamental to a harmonious community.
6. Get lost — Take a walk just for the sake of it. We don’t always need to have a destination in mind to enjoy ourselves.
7. Put it in perspective — Take a stressful moment (I was in a car accident) and find a positive spin (but I am alive) to lessen your mental burden.
8. Look inward — Do not attach your emotions to extrinsic things such as money and fame. The source of happiness does not reside outside the body and mind.
9. View life like a photo album — We start as babies, not able to talk or walk. But then we grow and learn. Embracing the changes, overcoming the challenges, and taking on new adventures improves our quality of life.
10. Show gratitude — Don’t skip out on saying thanks. The world returns good karma.
Posted on June 12, 2023