Archive: Features

It’s still their year

We met more than 100 students from the Class of 2020 their first year and kept in touch with a smaller group all the way through their final semester.

The Commish

New Jersey’s Commissioner of Education Lamont Repollet ’94 is pretty happy about ousting Massachusetts from the nation’s No. 1 spot in K–12 education, but he has his sights set on far bigger goals.

Truth be bold

Social critic Roxane Gay talks with faculty-authors Juda Bennett, Winnifred Brown-Glaude, Cassandra Jackson, and Piper Kendrix Williams, who bare their souls to bring Toni Morrison’s work closer to you.

oh boy!

Delish pizzas and award-winning beers. How talented alumni turned their passions into craft industries.

Bright Idea

What do firefly flashes, patterns in spaghetti, and wobbly tables have in common? Math, says Matt Mizuhara.

Close to the bone

TCNJ is now home to about 500 Colonial-era Americans – their remains, that is.

This guy researches New Jersey traffic

For engineering professor Tom Brennan, bumper-to-bumper traffic is about way more than rush hour or getting to the Shore. He’s made it his life’s work.

“I didn’t want the shooter to take everything from me.”

After a student in Parkland, Florida, killed her daughter, alumna Lori Alhadeff vows to make your child’s school safer.

Border trilogy

Stories of migration that stretch across three centuries.