Archive: Uncategorized

How We Got Here: The Cheer Squad

They flip, spot, throw, and fly. They also win championships.

The Toni Morrison Book Club Podcast

TCNJ professors Juda Bennett, Winnifred Brown-Glaude, Cassandra Jackson, and Piper Kendrix Williams spoke to Roxane Gay via Skype about their book, The Toni Morrison Book Club on November 21. Kevin Potucek, General Manager of  WTSR, recorded the session and Ryan Soldati ’20 gave his voice to the intro. You can download the podcast here.

Make Nomad pizza at home

Stalin Bedon shares with us his deceptively simple recipe for Nomad’s Margherita pizza, starting with the dough.

oh boy!

Delish pizzas and award-winning beers. How talented alumni turned their passions into craft industries.

Campaign Videos

John P. Karras, professor of history, 1932–2016

WHEN I ARRIVED at the college as a rookie teacher in 1975, John Karras was chair of the History Department. He was a formidable presence — tall, bald, and heavy-set, loud and opinionated, full of humor, a born raconteur. The son of Greek immigrants, he blazed his own trail and disdained conventional gentility. He did […]

Picture Perfect Internship

Like many people, Joshua Lewkowicz filmed an ice bucket challenge this summer. Unlike anyone else, he shot it at the DreamWorks Animation Studio outside Hollywood.

From TV to TCNJ

TCNJ freshman Jake Burbage remains ‘Grounded’ despite childhood fame.

Alumni gathering in Naples, Fla.

The photos below are from an alumni gathering that took place on March 6 in Naples, Fla. Click on any image to view the photos at a larger size.